Alcohol Drug and Food Interactions with Cymbalta

Alcohol, Drug, and Food Interactions with Cymbalta

No matter the type of medication, there are always precautions and risks, which is true for the drug Cymbalta. Used to treat depression, pain, and General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), it is imperative for anyone being prescribed this medication to fully understand possible risks. For example, in addition to potential side effects, an individual should know about alcohol, drug, and food interactions with Cymbalta. This helps avoid problems but also identify risks early on if they were to arise.

Open and Honest Communication

We want to start by stressing the importance of being completely open and honest when talking to the doctor. Sometimes, people feel uncomfortable and even embarrassed to address everything or answer all questions but because there are risks specific to alcohol, drug, and food interactions with Cymbalta, this is imperative. Remember, a doctor is not there to judge but instead, offer effective and safe treatment options.

As an example, even if an individual consumes just one alcoholic beverage a day, this information must be shared with the doctor. After all, the decision to prescribe Cymbalta is not only based on clinical findings but also on details provided by the patient. That one drink may not pose any risk at all but with any medication it is much better to be safe than sorry so being open and honest is key to getting relief but without risks.


Specific to alcohol, drug, and food interactions with Cymbalta, we will begin with alcohol. As stated, even if a person drinks a very small amount of alcohol, this needs to be revealed to the doctor. The primary risk has to do with liver damage. For example, one of the potential risks associated with Cymbalta is damage to the liver, which is also a risk linked to alcohol. Therefore, if someone takes this medication and consumes alcohol, the risk automatically increases.

While every person is unique, signs of trouble typically include the following:


When talking about drugs as part of the discussion on alcohol, drug, and food interactions with Cymbalta, this covers prescription medication, illicit drugs, and even supplements. Obviously, illicit drugs pose very serious risk on their own but when added to this particular medication, risk is amplified. Again, even if someone feels embarrassed to discuss drug abuse with a doctor, it is critical.

Regarding supplements, not all cause a problem for a person who takes Cymbalta but when having a discussion with the doctor, everything needs to be revealed. Even information about the highest quality natural supplement should be provided. This allows the doctor to make the right decision pertaining to prescribing Cymbalta as a viable treatment.

Now, it is also vital to know there are close to 1,100 specific drug interactions with Cymbalta. Some of these pose very little risk while others can be quite serious. Just as with illicit drugs and supplements, the doctor needs to know an entire medical history of medications, even those taken months prior. The 1,073 known drugs that can cause an interaction with Cymbalta include 6,407 generic and brand names. The breakdown is as follows:

Obviously, it is impossible to list all the prescription medications in a single article which is why it is so important to provide information to the doctor. However, some of the primary drugs that raise a red flag are listed below. Although these are brand names, there are generic names for these drugs as well.


Fortunately, specific to alcohol, drug, and food interactions with Cymbalta, there the list of possible food issues is relatively short. One thing within the food category is caffeine. In this case, a person's blood level increases, which in turn has a direct effect on the levels and effects of this medication. For someone who consumes caffeine, the doctor might be able to adjust dosage of Cymbalta but if any of the following symptoms develop, the doctor needs to be advised right away.


By putting everything out in the open, the chance of experiencing alcohol, drug, and food interactions with Cymbalta is dramatically reduced. However, if an individual were to have problems or concerns, it is vital to contact the prescribing doctor immediately.

On a final note, there is risk for Serotonin Syndrome to develop, which is very serious. Therefore, for anyone taking Cymbalta, drastic change in blood pressure, fast heart rate, excessive sweating, fever, tremors, muscle stiffness, stomach cramping, nausea/vomiting, and diarrhea are to be taken seriously and reported immediately.

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