Uses of Cymbalta

List of Diseases that Benefit from Cymbalta

The three primary uses for Cymbalta include depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, and certain types of pain. Although this medication was initially developed by Eli Lilly with focused use, medical researchers, scientists, and doctors are learning more and more that there are actually additional diseases that benefit from Cymbalta. However, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of Cymbalta is currently limited to only a few illnesses but again it is expected that more will be added.

In this article, we want to offer insight into the way this particular medication works in dealing with pain, as well as the specific illnesses for which it is used. Although this medication is already beneficial, remember that there is a strong possibility other diseases will be identified over time as more and more studies and clinical trials are performed. With that done, the process will begin to get FDA approval so doctors can prescribe it to patients.

Cymbalta and Pain

The first thing we want to cover is how diseases benefit from Cymbalta helps to reduce and even eliminate pain. Keep in mind that in addition to getting chronic pain under control initially, this medication is widely used as an effective pain management tool. Simply put, once an individual's pain is brought to a manageable level, this same drug can be used to keep it under control.

For starters, some experts believe pain reduction is the result of anxiety and depression being controlled. After all, it is a known fact that pain and these forms of mental illness often go hand-in-hand. Therefore, using Cymbalta to reduce the effects of anxiety and depression can also reduce pain in some individuals. Although questions remain as to the way this works, it is believed that descending pathways from the brain become deactivated. When this happens, improvement occurs for ascending pain signals.

In addition to this, there is evidence that NMDA receptors are blocked. This acronym stands for "N-methyl-D-aspartate", which is an amino acid derivative that resembles closely to glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter located within the central nervous system. With Cymbalta, it appears that NMDA is activated, thereby enhancing the body's own endorphin system.

Cymbalta and Disease

As mentioned, there are very specific diseases that benefit from Cymbalta but anticipation is high that additional ones will eventually receive approval from the FDA. The diseases for which this drug is currently prescribed include the following:

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