Cymbalta for Chronic Pain

Benefits of Cymbalta for Chronic Pain

Cymbalta first became available for treating diabetic neuropathy and depression in 2004. Getting to that point was quite a struggle but the journey ultimately ended with approval from the Food and Drug Administration or FDA. Since that time, additional research and studies have been conducted, finding that Cymbalta for chronic pain associated with other illnesses was also effective.

Because the initial reasons for this drug being prescribed included depression, neuropathy associated with Diabetes, and General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), little attention was given to the benefits for people who suffer from ongoing pain stemming from a broader range of illnesses. However, it is a known fact today that this medication works quite well for several types of pain where other drugs have failed.

Many experts believe the exact types of pain for which this drug is used will be expounded upon in the near future but currently, it has been confirmed that Cymbalta for chronic pain associated with the following conditions is a viable treatment option.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

As mentioned, this type of pain was one of the initial reasons for this medication being prescribed. Cymbalta, also sold under the name Duloxetine, helps reduce nerve pain for people with Diabetes. In two separate clinical trials, experts determined between 1 and 1.7 points of pain was reduced using the standard 11-point scale. Overall there were approximately 50% of patients who participated in these studies that achieved pain relief and for some of those, at a decreased level of 90%.


For years, this condition was considered a "junk pile" of symptoms because it could not be attributed to any one known illness. However, medical doctors now understand that Fibromyalgia is in fact a real condition that causes real pain. With this, an individual experiences aching joints, specific areas of tenderness, swelling, fatigue, and insomnia, among other things.

To determine the efficiency of Cymbalta for chronic pain associated with Fibromyalgia, several well-documented studies were performed. Using data collected over a 12-week period, the manufacturing company, Eli Lilly, confirmed that 60 milligrams of Cymbalta taken one to two times daily provided a noted level of pain relief. In addition to decreased pain, people taking this medication had fewer problems with stiffness, tenderness, and insomnia.

Musculoskeletal Pain

Cymbalta for chronic pain of the musculoskeletal system has also been validated. Remember, even though this medication has been on the market for almost 10 years, ongoing research is done. Thanks to this effort, Cymbalta received FDA approval just three years ago for pain of this type. While musculoskeletal pain covers a wide range of conditions, two in particular that have had great success include lower back pain and osteoarthritis.

Interstitial Cystitis

This condition consists of pain within the bladder. Interestingly, the cause remains a mystery but what experts do believe is that sterile urine cultures, urinating during the night, and urinary urgency/frequency could be culprits. Regardless of the trigger, Cymbalta for chronic pain linked to this condition of the bladder is beneficial since neural impulses are suppressed.

Additional Considerations

Although Cymbalta for chronic pain associated with the conditions mentioned above is highly effective, keep in mind that as time passes it is believed that additional conditions will be identified. In addition, this particular medication does not work to calm tingling or numbing sensations that people with pain often experience.

We also want to mention that when Cymbalta is used to treat diabetic neuropathy, it does reduce and even eliminate pain but what it cannot do is actually treat damage to the nerves from which pain stems. It has also been learned that in some individuals, this medication helps to slow the progression of peripheral neuropathy down. Simply put, there are instances in which diabetic neuropathy does not progress as quickly as it would without Cymbalta.

Specific to Fibromyalgia, Cymbalta for chronic pain is long-lasting. Compared to other medications used to treat pain, research shows that along with being effective, people go much longer without the pain returning. This means in addition to relief from a pain standpoint, being without pain for a greater duration helps reduce occurrences of depression, anxiety, fatigue, and insomnia.

The bottom line is that Cymbalta for chronic pain provides hope. Many people who live with ongoing pain feel defeated, frustrated, and hopeless but with this medication, there is an opportunity for improved quality of life.

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