Cymbalta Withdrawal Symptoms

Cymbalta Withdrawal Symptoms and Side Effects

Although considered an effective treatment for anxiety, depression, and pain, among other things, it is vital to learn about potential Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms and side effects. For some people, risks are extremely low but for others, they can be quite dangerous. The information provided by the doctor coupled with the data offered in this article will shed light on the different advantages and disadvantages of this drug.


Because Cymbalta has been proven to work and due to an increased popularity, some people believe potential risks are exaggerated. As a result, warning signs are ignored and sometimes, dosage/frequency instructions not properly heeded. It is true that Cymbalta has improved quality of life for millions of people but even with this there are strict warnings.

For instance, studies show that some children, teenagers, and young adults have experienced a higher level of suicidal thoughts and behaviors while taking antidepressants. Simply put, potential Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms and side effects cannot be shadowed by the many benefits this drug offers. As stated, this is the reason it is so important to gain as much information possible about pros but also cons of taking Cymbalta no matter the reason for treatment.

Withdrawal Symptoms

While the focus is on both Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms and side effects, we want to start by addressing issues that relate specifically to withdrawal. Remember everyone is unique so the exact warning signs, as well as intensity will vary from one individual to another. However, the following are the most common symptoms of withdrawal, which typically develop quickly.

When it comes to Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms and side effects, it is imperative for a person to notify the prescribing doctor immediately. Often, a simple change in dosage helps but there are occasions when Cymbalta is replaced with a different medication.

Side Effects

Again, everyone is different so side effects connected with Cymbalta may be slight or infrequent for some people and intense and frequent for others. As with symptoms of withdrawal, the doctor needs to be advised of any problems immediately at which time the correct course of action can be taken. Since the list of potential side effects is complex, we chose those that people most commonly experience.

Coping Tips

By reporting any noted Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms and side effects to the doctor, a decision can be made from a medical perspective for coping. However, there are also certain things that people can do to get through any periods of discomfort. A few recommendations for dealing with symptoms of withdrawal include:


One of the interesting things about Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms and side effects is that for some people, rather than this drug being beneficial for anxiety and depression, it actually worsens the condition. Obviously, for someone suffering from major depression, this creates an extremely serious and even life-threatening scenario. This is a prime example of why it is so critical for the doctor to be made aware of any change, even minor.

Keep in mind that there is a standard amount of time that most people deal with Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms and side effects. If someone were to stop taking this medication suddenly, symptoms of withdrawal will be severe. This is the very reason this is never recommended. Instead, a doctor will taper dosage of Cymbalta off slowly to reduce risk of withdrawal.

For side effects, most people only deal with minor issues lasting a few days to weeks but when more severe or if the side effects last longer, dosage may be modified or a secondary medication prescribed to help. Bottom line - to reduce and even prevent Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms and side effects, always work with a highly respected doctor, learn everything possible about the drug, and pay attention to unpleasant changes.

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